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#263956 - Arriving late one Friday our caravan was in darkness , trying to find our way in we were assisted by a friendly man who was next door so to speak , he showed us the lights and how to light the gas with that he parted. Hank explained need how it was going to happen , we then went into the room where it would take place , there was a leather cradle about two foot of the floor which Kim would be lying in and eat her side she would have her ankles in leather loops so her legs would be wide apart exposing her open cunt to the stallion , the bar above Kim's head would hold the stallions front legs , so he does not hurt Kim and would give him access to the target. As we settled in they became very helpful and often had drinks and food so we could eat together , Brutus was always hovering around Kim Hank just used to tell him to go away, then one afternoon we were suning ourselves when Hank , Kurt and Brutus came back from the beach and Brutus just went straight for Kim's cro

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